Here, let’s put some myths about vitamins to rest!
MYTH: You don’t need vitamins with a healthy diet.
I believe this advice and the doctors who dispense it are detrimental to your health. Why? Many of the elements we consider a “balanced diet” are far from healthy.
These doctors are ignorant of decades worth of research disproving their facts.
Consider that a person’s “balanced diet” may be full of carbohydrates, allergens, and more; how does that help their health nutritionally?
Many doctors may only a few hours of nutritional education under their belt. Those hours may be one class taken in a single semester over a decade ago. With such limited knowledge regarding nutrition, they can’t possibly treat a patient fully.
The bulk of our foods today are processed, and they’ve been robbed of their natural and essential nutrients. What our ancestors ate is not what we eat! Countless studies have shown that multivitamins taken daily help reduce the risk of certain cancers, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and other conditions.
MYTH: I took a vitamin but it didn’t work. So vitamins are useless, right?
Have you ever taken a multivitamin but felt like you didn’t see a difference in your health or energy?
It’s not the vitamin at fault, it may be the dosage.
Every individual has different needs, so you may need to take more. Just because your wife or neighbor does well with 1000 mg of vitamin C, doesn’t mean that dose will work for you.
Most store-bought brand name multivitamins aren’t effective.
It’s easy to pick up a bottle of multivitamins from Centrum or another brand, but is it enough? Not really. Why? The multivitamins often have additives, fillers, and chemicals that can slow down digestion. Moreover, the RDA system we follow today is outdated and doesn’t consider how our environment or food changed. If you only meet the “recommended” amount, you’re putting yourself as greater risk for disease.
MYTH: High Doses of Supplements Aren’t Safe
What is one of the leading causes of death?
Medical errors and prescription drugs are one of the top three causes of death in the United States, proceeded by heart disease and cancer. 250,000 individuals die annually from medical therapies, and 113,000 of those deaths are attributed to prescription medication.
Side effects from high doses of vitamins and minerals can occur, but the therapy can be stopped quicker or adjusted to solve the problem.
If you work with a specialist, you can limit the chance of having adverse reactions. Unlike drugs, supplements of vitamins and minerals make you healthy.
Drugs only help your health. When you go for help, you want to find and fix the cause of a symptom, whether it be back pain or headaches, not just apply a temporary band-aid.
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