Friday, 1 September 2017

7 Proven Resveratrol Benefits


I am sure that you have heard that a glass of red wine a day is good for the heart and scientists have long been interested in the apparent good health of cultures like the French who typically drink more of it than others. But what exactly is it about red wine that makes it a healthy tipple?
The answer is believed to be linked to its high resveratrol content. Resveratrol belongs to a group of plan based compounds known as polyphenols thought to have natural antioxidant properties. These antioxidants perform a vital role in protecting us from an array of diseases.
Antioxidants can slow cellular damage such as heart disease and cancer and also slow down many of the signs of aging like wrinkles and skin damage. Red grapes are a very rich source of resveratrol but it is also present in other fruits such as cranberries, mulberries and raspberries as well as peanuts and cocoa.
Because of its growing reputation and the increase in scientific interest, resveratrol supplements are becoming more popular. Companies selling these supplements promise a variety of health benefits ranging from weight loss to protection from heart disease and greater longevity. How many of these claims are true and are any of them exaggerated?



A recent article published in one of the UKs more serious newspapers, the Daily Telegraph caused quite a stir especially for those of us who are looking to control their weight and are not willing to forego some of our favorite treats.
The article’s title “How to lose weight – drink plenty of red wine” sounds like the perfect diet plan for many people and I’ll admit that it made me take notice but is it too good to be true? Sadly, like many things that sound too good to be true, this one is probably no exception especially when you look at the research on which the article was based.
This does not mean that resveratrol is no good for you but glugging down the red wine is unlikely to see the pounds falling off. In fact, considering a bottle of red wine has some 570 calories it is likely to have the opposite effect.
The study quoted in the article was published in 2015 and conducted on mice rather than humans. It demonstrated that high doses of resveratrol caused brown fat cells to develop in white fat tissues of mice and while researchers hoped a similar response could occur in people, there is no evidence that it would. (1)
Adults have very little of the brown fat referred to especially compared with mice and a build-up of white fat is the cause of obesity. Finding a method of transforming white fat into brown fat which burns calories more quickly could help tackle obesity. The goal of the study was to try and stimulate the development of brown fat cells.
The researchers concluded that resveratrol could actually stimulate the development of brown fat cells in mice but it is difficult to know whether a similar effect would be seen in humans. The researchers also pointed out that the amount of resveratrol present in red wine is a tiny fraction of that found in fresh grapes or berries and that you would have to drink a huge quantity of red wine to match the equivalent dose of resveratrol receive by the mice in the study.
While there is no evidence that red wine or even resveratrol itself can help you to lose weight, many proponents suggest that it can. Nobody seems certain of the mechanisms involved but it has been suggested that resveratrol can stimulate a gene called the SIRT1 gene which is the same gene activated by people on calorie controlled diets.
Some people say that this gene helps stimulate the body’s stores of fat so they are used for energy. It is also claimed that because resveratrol is an antioxidant that it can imitate the feeling of being full meaning that you will consume fewer calories throughout the day.


Heart disease is one of the biggest killers in the world and according to studies resveratrol may offer some effective protection and ensure that your heart remains strong and healthy.It can help reduce cholesterol levels including LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol and has natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can protect the heart.
A study published in 2006 found that resveratrol prevented atherosclerosis, reduced heart arrhythmia and protected the heart through preconditioning. (2)
And this is good news for wine drinkers, a Canadian study also demonstrated that drinking red wine in moderation had a protective effect against heart disease and atherosclerosis or the build-up of plaques in the arterial walls which reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by around 30%. (3)


Studies have consistently showed that resveratrol could have a positive effect on the brain’s health including memory, focus and learning. It is also possible that resveratrol has neuroprotective effects that can protect against Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Studies show that resveratrol improves blood flow in the brain which helps protect against both vascular dementia and stroke. (4) Studies on rats have shown that resveratrol improves memory and learning abilities in rodents with vascular dementia because it reduces oxidative stress within the brain. (5)
Recent studies have shown that resveratrol has the potential to treat Alzheimer’s. One clinical study published in 2015 used 119 subjects with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s and the results proved very promising. Patients treated with high doses of resveratrol over a year demonstrated improved biomarkers compared with the placebo group. (6)


Being a potent antioxidant, resveratrol may be able to protect against cancer by repairing cellular damage before cancer takes a hold. Because of this, many people be4lieve resveratrol may have anticancer potential.
There is very little data available but a recent French study found that it could slow the production and spread of colon cancer cells making it a potential alternative anticancer agent. (7)


As we get older, we are more prone to eye damage which results in poorer vision. Many foods are known to be good for your eye health especially those rich in beta-carotene, and vitamins C and E.
A recent study by researchers in Missouri showed that resveratrol could protect your eye health by regulating angiogenesis and preventing the growth of abnormal blood vessels which can damage eyesight. (8)


As you approach middle age, your testosterone levels begin to decline and which can cause numerous issues including sexual dysfunction. A Korean study conducted with mice found that resveratrol could increase testosterone levels significantly while also improving sperm count and sperm motility. Unfortunately, there are no studies demonstrating similar effects on human subjects.


Whether you are a serious athlete or you are trying to increase your performance levels, resveratrol may be able to supply you with the boost you need. A Canadian study published in 2012 found that supplementing with resveratrol resulted in significantly greater endurance, improved cardiac function and improved oxidative metabolism. (10)


While resveratrol is present in red wine, doctors are usually reluctant to recommend that you consume too much alcohol because of the many problems that may arise from overdoing it. However, there is plenty of evidence that drinking wine in moderation can confer many health benefits especially on the heart. Drinking grape or berry juice is a healthier and safer way of getting more resveratrol into your system.
Resveratrol is also present in the skin of grapes especially purple and red grapes. You can also get resveratrol from berries like raspberries and cranberries.
You should be able to get plenty of resveratrol from your diet but if for some reason you can’t, then resveratrol supplements are an option though experts say that many of the resveratrol from supplements does not get efficiently absorbed.
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Friday, 17 July 2015

Vitamins: Fact or Fiction?

One of the most common questions a practitioner receives is about ingesting high-doses of vitamin supplements. Many individuals worry about the safety, necessity and effectiveness of these doses of vitamins.
Here, let’s put some myths about vitamins to rest!

MYTH:  You don’t need vitamins with a healthy diet.
If you hear from a doctor who says you don’t need vitamin supplements because you “have a balanced diet,” stop seeing that doctor!
I believe this advice and the doctors who dispense it are detrimental to your health. Why? Many of the elements we consider a “balanced diet” are far from healthy.
These doctors are ignorant of decades worth of research disproving their facts.
Consider that a person’s “balanced diet” may be full of carbohydrates, allergens, and more; how does that help their health nutritionally?
Many doctors may only a few hours of nutritional education under their belt. Those hours may be one class taken in a single semester over a decade ago. With such limited knowledge regarding nutrition, they can’t possibly treat a patient fully.
The bulk of our foods today are processed, and they’ve been robbed of their natural and essential nutrients. What our ancestors ate is not what we eat! Countless studies have shown that multivitamins taken daily help reduce the risk of certain cancers, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and other conditions.

MYTH:  I took a vitamin but it didn’t work.  So vitamins are useless, right?
Have you ever taken a multivitamin but felt like you didn’t see a difference in your health or energy?
It’s not the vitamin at fault, it may be the dosage.
Every individual has different needs, so you may need to take more. Just because your wife or neighbor does well with 1000 mg of vitamin C, doesn’t mean that dose will work for you.
Most store-bought brand name multivitamins aren’t effective.
It’s easy to pick up a bottle of multivitamins from Centrum or another brand, but is it enough? Not really. Why? The multivitamins often have additives, fillers, and chemicals that can slow down digestion. Moreover, the RDA system we follow today is outdated and doesn’t consider how our environment or food changed. If you only meet the “recommended” amount, you’re putting yourself as greater risk for disease.

MYTH:  High Doses of Supplements Aren’t Safe
You may come across people saying high-dose supplementation isn’t good because of potential adverse reactions. However, according to the experts at the AMA (American Medical Association), the total number of deaths that occurred between 1983 and 1990 was zero from vitamin and/or mineral therapy.
What is one of the leading causes of death?
Medical errors and prescription drugs are one of the top three causes of death in the United States, proceeded by heart disease and cancer. 250,000 individuals die annually from medical therapies, and 113,000 of those deaths are attributed to prescription medication.
Side effects from high doses of vitamins and minerals can occur, but the therapy can be stopped quicker or adjusted to solve the problem.
If you work with a specialist, you can limit the chance of having adverse reactions. Unlike drugs, supplements of vitamins and minerals make you healthy.
Drugs only help your health. When you go for help, you want to find and fix the cause of a symptom, whether it be back pain or headaches, not just apply a temporary band-aid.

Credit to

Sunday, 5 July 2015

My 14 Days Vivix Super Detox Dairy

My 14 Days Vivix Super Detox Dairy 


- detoxification 
- burn fat, slimming 
- cellular cell repair & rejuvenate 
- anti-aging, anti-oxidant 

AM (empty stomach) 70ml vivix + 350ml water (Standing / walking / jogging / stretching / yoga)
Drink 1000ml water slowly in 3-4 hours 
Don't eat anything during this few hours 

7am (empty stomach) 35ml Vivix + 250ml water (Standing / walking / jogging / stretching / yoga)
9am (empty stomach) 35ml Vivix + 250ml water (Standing / walking / jogging / stretching / yoga)
Drink 1000ml water slowly in 3-4 hours 
Don't eat anything during this few hours 

PM (Lunch) Cinch Shake 2 scoops
Cinch tea 2 tube
Lecithin 6

Afternoon Tea Time  Cinch Shake 2 scoops
Lecithin 6

Chicken breast (skinless) (Or lean meat, steam fish, Markerel, Tuna) 
Roasted / grill / oven toast / BBQ / Steam 
Broccoli x1 (medium)
Can be cook with ginger, garlic, carrot, Sieva bean, Celery, Cauliflower
Lecithin 6
For vegetarian: Tempeh x2, Bean-curd x2, Steam Egg White x3
Broccoli are good for detoxification, can took 1-2 during the 
Avoid: Sugar, sweet dessert, oily food, carbo (rice, noddle, bread) 

Before Sleep:5ml Vivix

To order the 14days Vivix Super Detox Package, click here

To order Vivix only, click here:

If you like to know how to get Vivix in better price by joining a lifetime membership or free membership, please feel free to SMS / Whatsapp / Wechat +6 012-497 9978.

Friday, 3 July 2015

My best jogging partners'!

My best jogging partners'! 

Jogging had been my favorite sport lately other than swimming and badminton. I start to pick up this leisure outdoor when I find out there is a beautiful lake near the place I stay with a lot of people jogging in the evening.  What make my jogging more interesting is when I find out I can go more and more kilometers with and 3 important jogging partners that I got. 

My Best Sport Partneres'
First was my Sketches jogging shoe. I first jogging shoe was my Nike Air where I bought in Taiwan at 2007. It accompanied me for 5years before it come to the end of it lifetime. A quality shoe is precious for jogging as it can absorb the pressure and friction to your knee that reduce the damage to my joint. 

Some of my jogging tracking recorded using my Nike Running App
My second jogging partner is my Nike Running App and Nike+ Fuel App in my iPhone. It keep me on track of my daily activities and keep me motivated to hit the goals everyday with badges thy can earn and a courage.

Shaklee Performance Pure Hydration Sport Drinks
My third jogging partner which is always my best is always my Shaklee Sport Nutrition - Shaklee Performance Drink and some joint health supplementation. I used to be a passive person who don't do sport much during my teenager. I don't even able to score any point in the school 5km "Merentas Desa" run for my team in the school sport day. But after I heard the story of the Olympic Medalist, Gary Hall who manage to overcome her Diabetes issue and won some medals during olympic, i start to pick up some sport and do stamina training. And the result is outstanding to me. I see myself can swim non-stop for 20 laps (1km) non-stop, and i can run 5km non-stop, then 10km, 12km, and i just did my longest run of 16km and also renew my best timing. Maybe this seem very easy to some of the people with athlete background, but for me its a big challenge from a book worm to become active in sport and all the outdoor activities. 

So these are the 3 best partners of mine to make my jogging and outdoor activites more wonderful and interesting! If you are a person who like outdoor and sport like me welcome to share your story with me too. If you like to increase your stamina to make your outdoor more wonderful, do click the link below to get your own Performance Sport Drink
Completed my 10km run with a few marathon buddies
Completed another 10km Marathon with buddies
Click here to order your own Shaklee Performance Sport Drinks

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Doctor Vitamin: Doctors Recommend Taking Vitamins

Yes, many doctors recommend taking vitamins and supplement. Some are saying that all adults should at least be taking a multivitamin.
Vitamins and supplements may have gotten some bad press saying that they just come out the other end as expensive urine. And there are some safety concerns due to the fact that vitamins and supplements are not regulated by the FDA.
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The latest advance formula of the 
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However, many doctors and experts are saying that most people should be taking vitamins and supplements daily to supplement beyond what they get from their diet. Vitamins and supplements are not to be used as a substitute for whole foods, but used to supplement it.
While it is true that real whole food is better than vitamins and supplement, we simply do not get enough of them from our food based on our average diet.
The book UltraPrevention cites that ...
"80 percent of Americans are not getting even the RDA of one or more of the essential vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients." [page 177]
And for those few that are getting the RDA amounts of essential vitamins, the RDA values themselves may be too low as mentioned by many experts.

What Experts are Saying About Vitamins and Supplements

Speaking generally, certain vitamins and supplements do have their benefits and are recommended for most people. Here are what some experts are saying about them.
In a radio program, Joe Graedon of People's Pharmacy, talked of importance of vitamin D, magnesium, and fish oil.
He says that if grew our own fruits and vegetables, didn't import food from so far away, and if we really did eat 5 or 6 or 7 helpings a day of those essential nutrients, then many of us would not need vitamin pills and mineral supplements. But looking at what the average teenagers eat, you are not going to get the balance amount of nutrients. Also if you are taking medication, some of which may reduce the ability to absorb certain vitamins, then you may also need supplementation.Joe Graedon says in the radio program ...
"I do think many of us do need some vitamins and minerals every day as a supplement beyond what we can get from our diet. Because (a) we are not eating well, (b) a lot of us are taking medicines which are depleting our bodies of these essential nutrients."[1]
As a counter-point, the third guest of the radio program Nancy Clark a registered dietitian says that vitamins/supplements are overrated. Most healthy people can get the nutrients they need from foods. They know what they should be eating, but some just don't. She says that food is much more important and one should not use vitamins and supplements as substitutes for food.
Many nutritionist believe that is not possible to get the optimum amount of vitamins from our daily foods. The authors of the book The Real Vitamin and Mineral Book writes...
"However, it is virtually impossible to meet the RDIs by eating the food available to us today. As a clinician who sees real people, I know how impractical and mis-leading the typical well-balanced diet explained in nutrition handbooks can be." [page 19]
This is partly because our foods are grown in nutrient depleted soils. Nutritional value are also partially lost during the transport, storage, processing, and even cooking of the foods.

Article get from:

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Anti-Cancer Foods

Anti-Cancer Foods

Cancer preventing diet includes foods with antioxidants which prevent the production of excessive hormones and elements which help detox the body and remove carcinogens. For example:

Anti-Cancer Food - อาหาร ต้าน โรค มะเร็ง 

  • laminaria,
  • broccoli,
  • cauliflower,
  • head cabbage and Brussels sprout,
  • salad cress,
  • onion,
  • garlic,
  • tomatoes,
  • cranberry,
  • citrus fruits,
  • seeds of flax, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower.

It’s also good to eat vegetable food fresh. But if there have been changes on the cell level, you can resort to another set of weapons.

The 7 Best Cancer Fighting Foods

The foods on this list are loaded with anti-cancer benefits. Better yet, none of them are expensive, exotic or difficult to find. Load your shopping cart with them today, and you'll be protecting yourself from cancer and boosting your general health for years to come!

1) Tomatoes - Lycopene in tomatoes protects against cervical, ovarian and prostate cancers. Tomato products like sauce, paste and ketchup are even better sources due to their concentrations.

2) Berries - The vivid colors of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries come from antioxidants called anthocyanins, which fight a variety of cancers. Frozen berries are available year round-try them in smoothies or in cereal.

3) Tea - Both green and black tea contain antioxidants called catechins, which curb cancer growth.

4) Spinach - One of the most nutritious leafy greens, the lutein and vitamin E in spinach fight liver, ovarian, colon, and prostate cancers.

5) Garlic - Italians and want-to-be Italians, rejoice! Garlic fights stomach, esophageal, and breast cancers. To get the most benefits, chop just before cooking.

6) Apples - This affordable, delicious, year-round fruit has plenty of antioxidants and vitamins, but it also boasts quercetin, a plant chemical, which may lower lung cancer risk and slow the growth of prostate cancer cells.

7) Pumpkin, butternut squash and sweet potatoes - As long as it's orange, take your pick! These sweet, fiber-rich vegetables are excellent sources of beta carotene, which may protect the DNA in your cells.
